> @shareonline The error is complaining about the api-version of the RoleAssignmentResource, please override its version instead. I know this is old.. But i solved it by just not using...
I am more and more inclined to just use the api and http calls, as it seems all open tickets about stuff not working can be left alone for months.....
Same.. Blazor Server side on .NET 5. Trying to use in a userService together with EF Core and it is periodically failing
> > I'm having the same type of issue in a Blazor Server app when trying to use the information from a service by injecting AuthenticationStateProvider. The only workaround I've...
> @shareonline I performed a quick test today by whipping-up a new Blazor Server-Side proj and injecting the AuthenticationStateProvider into a Scoped service. After calling the GetAuthenticationAsync method of the...
`options.TenantId = "organizations"; options.Instance = "";` This seems to work! 👌 The authority for Entra external IDs is needed i think in my case. Should the workaround then be to...
I just found this as I am investigating why I can't seem to get the Webpush. Net nuget package to work correctly on android. I have everything set up and...
Is this being looked at at all? The problem is still present 🤔
> I usually just use a `ForEach-Subscription` utility function I made that finds all subscriptions that match the same account as the current az context, and then runs the provided...
> Definitely seems like a `-Subscription` parameter for all command would be the easiest way to go, since batch API queries support specifying an array of subscription GUIDs Yeah if...