Jonathan Share

Results 8 comments of Jonathan Share

Ahhh, I'm starting to understand now. I didn't realise that using the agent required a manual upload of the agent jar, I incorrectly understood that the existing application insights integration...

@trask I'm deploying my functions to an App Service Plan (P2v2). For now I've left the slf4j experiments to the side and am just using the logger available through `context.logger`...

Sorry for the slow reply, but it sounds like you've managed to reproduce youreself. Thanks for keeping me updated.

I'm well aware that re-architecting the application to avoid the N+1 lookup and therefore the long requests would be a "better" solution, but there's no budget for that scale of...

I stumbled in here while currently deciding whether to invest in bluesound/heos/sonos that I'm likely to automate with HA. I'm not sure I have any input on the primary issue...

Ah, I see now that I've been reading this the wrong way round, the actual workflow is 1. Define configuration in json schema 2. Generate java types from json schema...

Stumbled upon this one myself just now, great to see a PR open already :+1: frustrating to have the hubot code die on debug logging...

Unfortunately the `kubectl_manifest` resource seems to be broken for Kubernetes 1.27+ leaving itscontained/raw as the only good solution right now.