
Results 7 comments of ananba

我也遇到了一样的问题, 在idea 2018.1上 无法使用, 无论多么简单的json也生成不了

不好意思, 刚看到. 我是因为我的domain类定义的有问题, 没有包名 package name 只需要把类放到随便一个包名下, 就ok了 希望对你有用 On 3/6/18, ZhiPeng wrote: > @shaopx 你的问题解决了吗?我当初放了一会没弄,后来又没这个问题了。。。。 > > -- > You are receiving this because you were mentioned. > Reply...

能具体描述下抖动吗? 因为示例很简单, 在我的手机上滑动会很快速, 暂时没有发现抖动. 另外有一个已知的类似抖动问题: 已经在"谷歌示例"中列出了.

I am facing this the exactly same issue. is anyone can help??

I solve this by the following code: HttpClient createMyHttpClient() { return HttpClient()..idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 300); } _dio.httpClientAdapter = IOHttpClientAdapter(createHttpClient: createMyHttpClient);

> > I solve this by the following code: HttpClient createMyHttpClient() { return HttpClient()..idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 300); } _dio.httpClientAdapter = IOHttpClientAdapter(createHttpClient: createMyHttpClient); > > thanks, but i don't know...