Ashiqul Islam Shaon

Results 6 comments of Ashiqul Islam Shaon

@hoordev After this problem, I have created my own library. and found out a solution and implemented it....... Using stream from the uri we can convert it to a...

I have faced this problem also. I think this library doesn't invoke permissions automatically when we use cameraOnly option. So you need to invoke permissions by yourself. `Dexter.withActivity(this).withPermissions( arrayListOf(Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,...

` (_slidableKey.currentState as SlidableState) .open(actionType: SlideActionType.secondary); ` Using the above code, I was able to open secondary option

For security reasons you can't get the file path but you can get file Uri. Using this you can convert the Uri to file (Need to create a new file)...

Adding this in the query solved my problem. have to specify id is not null and if we can't find the person its return type must be null ``` @Query('SELECT...

I have the same problem and exception. I have used this below code to create host network.startNetworkService(new SalutDeviceCallback() { @Override public void call(SalutDevice salutDevice) { deviceToSendTo = salutDevice; Log.d(TAG, "Device:...