Dongyan Shao

Results 21 comments of Dongyan Shao

> Your graphics device is too small, or you specify too much MSA. > Try zooming in on your image, like this: > ![Before]( > ![Now]( I used ggsave to...

When I open the pdf, at the begining, it's good. after few seconds, it changed grey.

sorry, but nothing can solve this problem without narrow down my MSA ?

> 另一个解决方案是使用tidy_msa(**start** =,**end** =)缩小您的MSA。 > > ``` > library(ggtree) > library(ape) > library(Biostrings) > protein_sequences x d tree p > data #tree + msa > p + geom_facet(geom = geom_msa,...

> Try border = NA, the gray border may affect the image. border = NA can't make sense. My ggmsa is ggmsa_0.0.5 . [111wa.pdf]( It's width is 80, height is...

> Can you show your code? p_tp53

> Thanks, i think the problem lies in the size of the data set. The original intention of ggmsa is not for large data sets. > If your sequence is...

Such as ERROR, input file does not exist: /home/dell/zhenjun/all_4/OrthoFinder/Results_Apr05_1/../Results_Apr07_8/WorkingDirectory/Alignments_ids/OG0000055.fa WARNING: Unknown caught unknown exception

> Hi Thank you,David. I solve this problem by run Orthofider on another HPC. But I meet another problem is that i can't remove a specie form specieslist.txt. Such as...