@verzqli 然而国产手机并不是你说的这样
@waysnotes 华为3C么?感谢反馈,不过目前还没有找到解决方案
@bogunjobi Thanks for your feedback. I have just tested it on Galaxy Nexus(Android 4.3) which has virtual navigation keys, and it doesn't work on it. It's seems that this lib...
@SunRunAway 感谢反馈,我刷一个新版本试试
有可能是三星手机的问题 > - Low vibration intensity (or none) on SAMSUNG devices: Go to Android's System Settings, Sound, Vibration Intensity and set the intensity for Haptic Feedback. You don't need to...
@zengqiang24 This method is called from **JavaBridge** thread not **main** thread
@123yangu 方便把插件 apk 发我测试下么?
@weikjblue 感谢关注 - 版本 `3.0.0` 还不支持 databinding;对 databinding 的支持在后续的开发计划里。 - 关于支持的技术栈清单,正在完善中
> 或者java的web包和andserver类似,方便迁移的 JetBrains 出品的 Ktor