Liu Xiao
Liu Xiao
function eval_tangent and eval_line in sm9_rate.c also have the same problems.
Thanks for reporting. Which compiler do you use?
照理都在CnConsts.pas里 烦请从github上clone或pull最新主分支代码吧。
1、CnRSA目前的接口支持File和Stream,签名内容输出支持File和Stream,理论上满足要求,如果需要其他更加方便的输入和输出可以提详细需求,我们考虑实现。 2、不太明白。你贴的这个异常看上去似乎是你提交给那个网站的公钥内容不对,而不是CnRSA拿私钥签名签出来的不对?
This "ecSwapCppHdrFiles" component should be a MenuItem in the context menu of Editor. But I don't know where CnPack causes it be created twice. Does the Exception Dialog show the...
I'm still not sure when it happens(not reproduced), so can not check the solution works or not. ;-(