Besides, I have some problems with cdktf convert in Go version. I need to update the name of packages, structs and attributes before I use it to manage some resources....
Thank you for your reply! That helps me a lot. I wonder when I am not sure about the structure of `hcldec.Spec`, how can I decode an HCL configuration into...
Okay! I'm actually find a function which can do the same thing as `hcl.Unmarshal([]byte(hclStr), &v)`. unmarshal a HCL configuration to a `interface{}`. Does `hcl2` have the same function?
hi, I just find the actual problem I meet. When I use quotes or functions in HCL configuration, not hard-coded value. The `hcl.Unmarshal` will return an `unknown token` error. Is...
It's helpful, thank you! I wonder if there is any way to unmarshal HCL configuration without defining the struct? I want to unmarshal the HCL configuration to `map[string]interface{}` struct.