
Results 47 comments of shantstepanian

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the project! For this, it is also to add a similar setup to MsSqlMetadataDialect and MsSqlDbMetadataManager. Most of the changes would be to...

Hi Ivan, As of today, we do not have a hook that will retrigger the view creation via a table change, though it could be possible to add in the...

Thanks for the details on the table/view use case. I will play around with this in Redshift this week and get back to you then with an estimate on when...

Hi Ivan, I took a look into the Redshift use case for handling recompilation of views. I believe you can work around this by using late binding views, i.e. creating...

Hi @IvanAtanasov , fyi - we will start work on the foreign key use case this week. Hopefully will have something for you to try by end of this month

Update - we need to do some refactoring to be able to make this change. The refactoring has taken longer than anticipated. Work is still in progress; will send update...

Additional use case - rule creation and bindings in Sybase

The pre-requisite refactoring has been done on this use case, but now the main development is needed Things to consider for this implementation: * Have an end-to-end scenario test where...

We can add support to support sequences in an incremental manner. As of today, sequences are treated like other rerunnable objects like views/sps, which are "drop/create" or "create or replace"...

Sounds good. This should suffice for you for now. You may run into issues if you need to drop this sequence permanently; I'll look to document the workaround for you...