Any thoughts on this?
I tried setting cleanup=false but with no luck We are hosting the docs under bitbucket. Would this create issue? Also the url I have specified is correct https://STASH_URL/projects/CPTCTO/repos/adr
Does the below mean that the plugin was able to successfully clone the git project 
There were two issues basically 1) The bitbucket url which I had given was wrong. Instead of scm url, i gave browse url 2) I hadn't set the git credentials....
I can confirm that without backstage, it is working as expected. With backstage techdocs-core plugin, it is failing. But, this is very strange that it is failing to git clone...
@jdoiro3 : Thanks for that. can we please do it sooner than later? Sorry for pushing this but in our organization there is this scenario that we have to use...