Hi All, I work for Deutsche bank and we have adopted backstage since almost an year now and I would like to talk about our journey and few items in...
> Hey @shanthisagar-dhanya-kumar-db ! That is amazing. Let's have a chat and I'll be happy to help you out. Feel free to book some time with me Hi. Does...
You will need to enable permissions in app config and also set the auth secret. Also check whether you have set correct CSP permission: enabled: true backend: # Used for...
techdocs-core doesn't support mermaid
Tried removing that, with no success
[59](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-59) asyncio_run(batch_import(repos))[60](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-60) File "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_multirepo_plugin/", line 124, in asyncio_run[61](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-61)[62](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-62) File "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/lib64/python3.8/asyncio/", line 44, in run[63](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-63) return loop.run_until_complete(main)[64](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-64) File "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/lib64/python3.8/asyncio/", line 616, in run_until_complete[65](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-65) return future.result()[66](XXXXURL/docs/default/component/adr#line-66) File "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_multirepo_plugin/", line 264, in...
And my main mkdocs.yaml looks like this site_name: 'ADRs' site_description: 'Main documentation for Architecture Design Records' repo_url: XXX plugins: - techdocs-core - multirepo nav: - Index: '' - CTO ADR:...
The error above "No such file or directory: 'git'", does this mean that there needs to have git installed on that server?
I have now installed git and that specific issue got resolved. But I have another one ✅ Got GA ASR Docs: 0%| | 0/1 [00:00
When I looked into the network share, it isn't creating the "temp_dir" under /tmp/backstage-l3mObl/. And also forgot to mention, we are using backstage-techdocs