Shannon Moeller

Results 33 comments of Shannon Moeller

Not currently. Providing options to a helper generator can make for some weird helper-registration patterns, but I'm not opposed to supporting it.

I'll need to think it through to make sure that it can be implemented without breaking backwards compatibility. Thanks for the request. This repo has been due for some updates...

Interesting idea. I'm currently making liberal use of `fs.readFileSync`. I'm guessing an s3 fs lib would need to run async?

Will remote-fs support more than just s3? If not how does it compare to

fwiw, this affects all Node.js utilities, not just eslint.

I found another workaround that gets `eslint`, `prettier`, and `flow-bin` working on my machine without incurring the cost of `yarn run` and `yarn exec`. It should work for typescript as...

> counterproductive to keep repeating the same discussion every 2-3 years Except to show that this is still very much a current, common, desired feature that shouldn't be cancelled or...

PR #8 didn't fully resolve this issue. Reopening.

I understand. Just excited by the idea of programming my R2 with Node.js and hoping for movement on stuff like #94.

I haven't tested to see whether the namespacing issue has been resolved in polymer-analyzer.