Shannon Moeller

Results 36 comments of Shannon Moeller

The real issue in solving this transparently is the dependency tree. If you only want to update changed partials, you likely also only want to update files that make use...

You're right. The stream is getting closed. Does this work? **Edit: Deleted bad code example.**

Actually, that won't work because hbStream is now undefined in the watch task. Doh. Let me rethink that. :)

Ok. I think I have a way to do this, but it's kind of annoying. ```js const gulp = require('gulp'); // import rename, watch, and runSequence const hb = require('gulp-hb');...

Also, one case this doesn't solve is the deletion of a partial.

> except they are using the same handlebars instance Exactly. > eats most performance is hb().partials() I'll need to look into how I'm compiling the templates. > removing of files...

Thanks for the PR! Feature makes sense. Will review soon.

Could you provide an example of a file where you `{{#extend}}` the layout that contains these blocks so I can see how you're using `{{#content}}` and get a better understanding...

zuul no longer has an active maintainer. Consider [`puppeteer`]( or BrowserStack instead?