Shane Hanna
Shane Hanna
How about `Include*` rather than `Ignore*Except` and make the default `AND` not `OR` to match `Ignore*` if that's how `IgnoreFields` functions currently? That's what I'd expect (granted I've never tried...
@restanrm my reasoning is: 1. To stay closer to what I'd expect from regular DNS. Just like I wouldn't expect random suffixes I also wouldn't expect collisions between names on...
> For the leak of the name, yes it's possible to rename one's host until we find a collision. But the ACL's would still not allow to obtain the IP...
OK. I've created a new PR that only applies a suffix if the given name collides with another machine in the same namespace.
Add Propellerhead Reason to the list. I worked around it by installing Reaper, configuring SAR then uninstalling Reaper though now I look through the source it seems like there is...
Support for select, insert and update (query/mutate) would be enough to unblock me. I've been using composite types instead of jsonb (and a schema) to group related fields (addresses, icalendar...