I tried to use Bluetooth to send a instruction to control the camera, but once the Bluetooth emitted the video, it was not closed when the Bluetooth sending the stop...
I tried to use Bluetooth to send a instruction to control the camera, but once the Bluetooth emitted the video, it was not closed when the Bluetooth sending the stop...
Bluetooth can receive the Open instructions that will enter the circular video, unless the withdrawal of the cycle can receive the next information sent by Bluetooth, is there any way...
Simple examples are completely possible, but what I want to solve is how to allow Bluetooth to receive data asynchronously
I want to see
Bluetooth receives the information to turn on the camera command, will continue to loop recording, if not exit the loop, then Bluetooth will not receive the next command
The same problem I want to solve with your script is that when Esp32 receives a 'start' it will run and can't always send a 'stop' to stop it
Is there a firmware that supports Bluetooth and camera at the same time?