Shaeq Ahmed

Results 10 issues of Shaeq Ahmed

Line of code: Feel free to close this issue if my understanding is incorrect here. Referencing the Java Avro implementation, looks like array values are stored/read as blocks and...

File: []( File was generated after making the following fix to translate a deeply nested avro file to a corresponding parquet file using parquet2/arrow2: **Note**: This file works with...


We should include out-of-the-box detection rules in Matano so users do not have to start from scratch for detection engineering. Similar to other vendors like Elastic, Chronicle, etc. we should...

good first issue
help wanted

A matano managed log source for osquery has been requested by a few community users, would be great to support pulling logs from osquery (e.g. query results, diffs) and storing...

Users would like to be able to include custom context inside of their alerts. For example, the alert body should contain data from the event other than the default ECS...

Bug brought up in discord channel: > Was popping in because I had a quick question. Is it possible to configure tables with a custom log source? Couldn’t seem to...

Add a feature that allows users to consume Matano alerts in realtime using webhooks for security automation use cases. To make this possible, we need to expose an SNS topic...

### Problem AWS ELB does not include AWS account ID in each event payload, this information is only included in the path e.g. `aws-elb-logs//...`. As a user, I would like...

Add support for Zscaler logs to Matano. ### Sources 1) Zscaler Internet Access logs (zscaler_zia) Tables: - alerts - dns - firewall - tunnel - web 2) Zscaler Private Access...
