I am finding that in the .104 release of hummus that createPDFTextString interfaces .toString and .toBytesArray are returning "" and empty array, respectively, no matter what text is given to...
I am trying to use the page write listener to capture page identity information, but so far have been unable to figure out if there is any current interface that...
John, how would you like to see text columns and its close cousin tables added to the package? I have working versions of both: The following depicts creating text columns....
When trying to build a mechanism for creating pie charts, I found it necessary to be able to measure the size of labels so that they could get positioned correctly....
I have been looking for awhile now to see if there was a way to use a memory buffer image that was in one of the well known image formats...
I have noticed that when I use the text interface with a string that has characters that are not in the font being used, it takes a longer time to...