
Results 5 comments of shadowvfx

Full disclosure, I'm an idiot. I followed the link to issue 583 and I don't understand what it's getting at. Why doesn't setting global_readonly to true make only? I...

I appreciate you looking into this. I tried to ask if anyone else had this issue on FB, but got very little response for or against it. It's interesting that...

As requested, here is a copy/paste of my original post on the FB group for Private Dance Game Owners. Like I said, I didn't get much feedback for or against...

I will see what I can do. This issue was from a few months ago and the original files I used are long gone, since in order to "fix" the...

Just FYI, I also get weird life bar flicker. I'm running Win7, SM5.3 (latest build as of 12/5/2021) and the latest SL theme (as of 12/5/2021). It does not happen...