
Results 163 comments of 影舞者

when I trying to build https://github.com/vyrus001/go-mimikatz, that base on BananaPhone using ``` SET GOOS=windows SET GOARCH=386 go1 build -ldflags="-s -w " -trimpath ``` it will error

when the system version is windows 2003, it usely is x86 ,and that will error. ``` git clone https://github.com/vyrus001/go-mimikatz SET GOOS=windows SET GOARCH=386 go run main.go ``` ``` asm: asmins:...

It looks like you're the only one who can write it fast.

``` func InitDB() { GlobalDB = GetDB() err := GlobalDB.AutoMigrate(&Task{}, &Domain{}, DomainAttr{}, DomainMemo{}, Ip{}, IpAttr{}, IpColorTag{}, IpMemo{}, Organization{}, Port{}, PortAttr{}, PortInfo{}, Task{}, Vulnerability{}) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("db.Setup err:...

我可以试着弄弄,json output。然后还有个地方可以优化,whatweb、Wappalyzer、httpx都得访问 /,加上截图,得访问四次了。前面3个可以合并一下。http访问后获取到的数据包可以直接放入Wappalyzer识别,不需要重新访问web


端口这块,字段数可以弄多一点,一行能存多点东西,把httpx、Wappalyzer的内容放到一行的话,能直观一点,不然很多重复数据 ``` type Port struct { Id int `gorm:"primaryKey"` IpId int `gorm:"column:ip_id"` PortNum int `gorm:"column:port"` Status string `gorm:"column:status"` Ip string `gorm:"column:ip"` App string `gorm:"column:App"` //指纹信息 Title string `gorm:"column:title"` Service string...

可以用Http+数据包传入Wappalyzer代替httpx 访问+Wappalyzer访问 ``` resp,err := req.Get(Url) if err != nil{ return } data := resp.Content() wappalyzerClient, err := wappalyzer.New() fingerprints := wappalyzerClient.Fingerprint(resp.R.Header, data) ```

"git": executable file not found in %PATH% 安装下git吧