If a random ID will be generated then you can pass a subset of the data which excludes the IDs to the algorithm, then add random IDs to the output....
Thank you for taking the time to response. Your answer regarding the P(Alive) makes sense and I was able to reproduce it. The Gamma-Gamma model should have 4 output parameters...
@dmanhattan Thank you for taking the time to share your script. I will review it and let you know if I have any further questions.
In theory, Y can also be continuous.
I am trying to run a cross validation Bayes search where each fold is evaluated on multiple metrics (as you can see in the example below, this can be done...
I am trying to check how are different metrics are affected by the selected hyperparametsr. For example, accuracy and F1. Can'e the Bayesian search run on one specific metric and...
Can you please provide an example of running multiple jobs? Do you mean running multiple optimization (aka codes) in series? if so, then this appears to be too time consuming....
> another quetion: Can I replace the model with LGBM? Think you should as long as it has an API similar to sklearn. You can specify your model using the...