escape_spaces_2 does't work with the "Mr John Smith " (several space at the end) ?
Hello, How can I make this library work with Hebrew ? (I would like to match a sound from Hebrew alphabet to Russian/French/English alphabet) Thank you
Hello, I am new with the plugin. It works well. It seems it just add the new version. Am I supposed to stop/delete the previous one (manually) ? by using...
Hello, I am trying to connect several accounts in parallel. It seems it always send msg to the last connection. My code seems correct so I was wondering if the...
Hello, is it possible to get the list of users in: Thank you
hello, is there a way to manage "has a full inbox" ? thank you
Hello, in the file PoseEstimation-MLKit/TFLite Helper/DetectorService.swift I am getting Use of unresolved identifier 'LocalModelSource' Use of unresolved identifier 'ModelOptions' let localModelSource = LocalModelSource(...) let options = ModelOptions(...) I read some...
I have downloaded the ai_challenger.tar.gz converted to zip so I can compile and start the app but I got a black screen any reco ? also, does this tool works...