Sean Graham

Results 5 issues of Sean Graham

I'm not sure what's going on but all uploads are blank. file get to the server from my laptop, except they are empty content. Info icon in upspin-ui even confirms...

Kubernetes 1.19 updates Golang to 1.15+ which throws this error when trying to validate the webhook caBundle: ``` Post \"https://flink-operator-webhook-service..svc:443/mutate-flinkoperator-k8s-io-v1beta1-flinkcluster?timeout=30s\": x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs...

- adds affinity passthrough to jobmanager and taskmanager podSpec - small update to comment for Tolerations fields

- added affinity passthrough to job pod spec - added nodeSelector passthrough to job pod spec (#380) - added tolerations passthrough to job pod spec e