Steven G. Harms
Steven G. Harms
[1]: ISSUE: I'm getting overwhelmed by my Guppe replies. And it seems like every day I find out about another. However, these are (generally) high-volume, low urgency, low importance....
Hello, for years I've wanted an RSS reader that I described as "`mutt` for RSS." I'm so glad you're here! One really cool feature on OSX's third-party terminal iTerm is...
¡ Hola Pedro ! I am trying to convert to using Vim as a blogging platform and I found this code. I found a few things that I thought could...
I do all my work on my Digital Ocean droplet (so pure CLI-land). I write a post and the `preview` server allows me to point `link` (text-based browser) to `3400`...
While the typical case is to support `localhost` on a laptop where DNS routing is not used, assumption of this name is incompatible for those with a remote-system / mainframe-esque...
Known issues surround ambiguity based on the subjective case. Latin uses the subjective _AND_ genitive cases to know which form a noun takes. `ActiveSupport::Inflector` assumes this is knowable solely based...
Per, the `getASTNode()` confuses learning. Provide a concrete `Object`.