Sören Geier
Sören Geier
Yes, also waiting for this one. I raised a ticket earlier. Many users are excluded or wont be able to navigate the site in their common setup. For example, artists...
Do you need more information on the topic?
Unfortunately not. I got it to work somehow by initializing things with delays or changing the order of how things load. I ended up not using locomotion because it doesn't...
I still have issues but was able to proceed. I changed the xCode to use the legacy build system (undr project/workspace settings) and I changed the name of the include...
So after hours of reading and trying things out I gave up. The core issue seems to be a ejected EXPO react native project. Running itunes with a clean react...
This can be closed here. Expo caused lots of issues.
yeah with 1. npm install realm 2. react-native link realm info Linking "realm" iOS dependency info iOS module "realm" has been successfully linked info Android module "realm" is already linked...
Luis, it'd be highly appreciated if the new Spotify SDK would find its way into this project here as many apps have this library integrated and rely on its functionality....
Hi, I am unable to get this to work after upgrading RN 0.59 to 0.62.4. I followed all the instructions and had it working before even in a production release....
I found another solution in the mean time: Using react-native-fast-image for local images. https://github.com/DylanVann/react-native-fast-image/issues/476#issuecomment-512723403