Wood Hwang

Results 14 comments of Wood Hwang

> You can still use dependency injection without exposing to your consumers. E.g. an internal primary constructor that takes a Dispatcher, and a public secondary constructor that provides a default...

@moleksyuk I had a same Issue, but I resolved it by calling materializer() method in a method with @ Before annotation attached.

@thesuperzapper Should it work with `pgbouncer.enabled` being false? It doesn't work for me even though that option is false by default. I'm using official airflow helm chart of version 1.4.0.

@thesuperzapper Oh, I forgot we're in user-community helm chart issue because I'm here with a link from official one. Thank you for reply!

@SerCeMan Hi, I'm interested in implementing this feature. Can I be assigned for this?

@SerCeMan By the way, can you help me for IDE setup and guide for codes as stated [here](https://github.com/intellij-solidity/intellij-solidity#contribute)?

@SerCeMan Thank you! When I run `Run IntelliJ` runConfiguration, there occurs following error. ``` > Task :compileKotlin FAILED e: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.pom.java.LanguageLevel at org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.core.CoreLanguageLevelProjectExtension.(CoreLanguageLevelProjectExtension.java:26) at org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.core.JavaCoreProjectEnvironment.(JavaCoreProjectEnvironment.java:42) at...

Never mind. I think it's about Kotlin compiler and JVM version.

@SerCeMan I have a question. Can I just simply add the rest of keywords(e.g. function, modifier, ...) in 'SolKeywordCompletionContributor' and make it autocompleted on 'rootDeclaration' just like in solidity plugin...

@ileasile Hi, I've just tried `%useLatestDescriptors on` for the first time at the moment, but it still doesn't work. As I mentioned, I just added a constructor parameter on a...