Simon Ganon

Results 4 comments of Simon Ganon

Any updates on this ? I'm quite a noob with nix/nixos and I wanted to use this overlay for `xdg-desktop-portal-wlr`. I've added ```nix let url = ""; waylandOverlay = (import...

Thanks for your reply, I've updated my nixpkgs> The build now starts but I then got these errors: ``` ... Found CMake: NO Run-time dependency libpipewire-0.3 found: NO (tried pkgconfig)...

That was it, I was on stable channel. It's clearly explained on your README, guess I forgot the essential while trying to figure out new stuff. Anyway thanks for your...

I've experienced the same issues with a fresh install of i3 and cargo/rust. I had to use older version available on npm which work still just fine.