Michael Haan
Michael Haan
Several things here: 1) moment-timezone doesn't have TS support like moment does (I see this is a separate issue) 2) current moment-timezone definitions don't include format() 3) current moment-timezone definitions...
I'll submit a PR if no one gets to this before I do. This [page](https://github.com/ifandelse/machina.js/wiki/machina.eventListeners) - and possibly others - indicate the "New FSM" event emitted by the top-level "machina"...
I'm in the process of creating type definitions for this library (which, BTW, I still find to be the best FSM lib I've found among those available for 3 different...
Persistent, ordered and highly-available messages enable a great many client use cases (support for recovery from client down time, cluster healing etc). There are additional use cases where being able...