Trying to use plugin for RabbitMQ Managment 3.8.0 but it not works. On pluging enable getting error: ``` Enabling plugins on node rabbit@830a664f00c1: prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter Problem reading some plugins: [{"/opt/rabbitmq/plugins/prometheus-4.3.0.ez",...
Using command `dcl build` in CI/CD doesn't return exit code on error. ``` > dcl build Decentraland CLI sends anonymous usage stats to improve their products, if you want to...
Add ability to check version of app and build commit, smth like : ``` curl http://localhost:8002/version version: 0.2.3 commit: kbhdwfuity23784234jhbgdff2323 ```
Hello, I'm trying to start explorer for coin BIT (https://github.com/bitcf/bitcf/releases), but get such error: > > [email protected] start /srv/explorer > node --stack-size=10000 ./bin/cluster > >Starting cluster with pid: 1948 >GET...