
Results 20 issues of sfd99

**Hi Alastair,** the **inspectdf** PKG is _really USEFUL!_. But a show_plot() quirk... _try:_ ~~~ unique(mtcars$carb) [1] 4 1 2 3 6 8 inspect_num(mtcars) %>% show_plot() ~~~ _See?._ The vertical bars...

Lime R-pkg is great! Thanks to your suggestions, the code now works fine. **2 quick **Questions**** **_Q1:_** Is there a way to make the plot_features(explanation[1:8, ]) display the plot cases...

I upgraded today to the latest **R version: 4.1.0.** _Boom!_ **UpSetR** stopped working now... :-( Used to work _GREAT_ with the previous versions of R... (under latest Rstudio and Ubuntu...

Great and _very clear stepXstep_ package tutorial, Matt!. A time-saving suggestion (if I may): in Step: "**Examining the Results**" (after Step 3), where you have: marketing_campaign_correlated_tbl %>% filter(feature %in% c("DURATION",...

**_Hi Nick,_** **VTREE** is _really useful_ for EDA. _Thanks!._ **Q:** After rendering any var tree in Rstudio's Viewer Pane and clicking on **Zoom**, it works 100% fine (for a while)....

Hi, This pkg looks really great!. **_quick Q:_** - what is the exact R-Code to run the **GAPMINDER example**?. Thanks!/Merci! SFd99 San Francisco -------------------

Hi Biecek, breakDown R Pkg is great and easy to use. I followed your Wine quality example lm() model in: https://pbiecek.github.io/breakDown/ But my question is on how to interpret /...

_**Hi Mike,**_ Thanks for v 1.3.3 !. Great as always. **Prob**: Ran your _exact_ demo code shown at: https://krassowski.github.io/complex-upset/#showcase **1)** but the **"Length"** Boxplots (at top), show as tight clusters...


Hi Dillon, DataEditR = GREAT and useful pkg!. Very much needed... But No **UNdo** correction is possible... ie: (in mtcars DF example), if I change the **wt** value of the...

**Hi Kenneth –** Love your **Data Explorer** Shiny solution. Easy... No problem using it w/ **iris** or **penguins** DFs. But...with the **diamonds** DF, the **[Data Snippet]** tab shows strange characters,...