Sergey Yarmonov

Results 16 comments of Sergey Yarmonov

@kunaldawn Is it related to the library? Can you provide code snippet, environment description and steps to reproduce the issue.

You are right. Good idea. But it is not simply to implement safe. And implementation of v2 is not going well as i want.

@linzx0403 Could you provide your environment (`uname -a && go env`) and detailed steps to reproduce the error?

It is caused by already running daemon. You should stop the daemon before run it again. Because daemon on startup uses `setsid()` you can't terminate it through console, you should...

Daemon doesn't have current directory (workdir) in general sense because it uses several global directories to ensure its work. By [_Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)_]( pid-files should be placed in `/var/run`...

Can you provide more information about the issue? What did you do? What did you expect to see? What did you see instead?

I don't understand you, please explain how you tested the sample? I tested the same commit and i think all works proper: ``` ➜ go-daemon git:(master) ✗ uname -a Darwin...

It looks really strange. @vus520 could you give me output of `go version && go env` command? Thank you.

I updated my OSX Kernel Version up to 16.6.0 and can not reproduce this behavior.

@kahing Thank you for the request. Please explain what scenario do you want to implement? It is possible to extend Context with a binary data which will be transferred to...