Hi all, Why it switches to TimesNewRomanPSMT font in Xcode 11? Thanks
Is there a possibility to have a multiline error message under text field?
When I try to do something like this: self.movies.insert(newMovie, at: 0) self.collectionView.insertItems(at: [IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0)]) self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.invalidateLayout() self.collectionView.layoutIfNeeded() I get that card on top of the first one, it has...
is there a possibility to not put a swiped card on bottom stack but remove it completely?
When using `self.pdfDrawer.createPDF()` it saves locally white PDF with drawings only. Is there a fix for this? Btw, there is a directory in createPDF method located in PDFDrawingView.swift: "/Users/Jack/".