Please consider supporting: - [robot_pose_ekf](http://wiki.ros.org/robot_pose_ekf) - [robot_localization](http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/robot_localization/html/index.html) I believe support should only require a minor modification to fiducial_slam where instead of only outputting a `/map` tf frame you would also...
I expect that SLAM will be the primary ROS use case with the sweep. I've had some fairly mixed experiences between the major SLAM packages. I think that the sweep...
If you wrap the libsweep library in a catkin package(it could be a standalone git repo) you can remove the manual compile and install steps and only install it locally...
When I run slam_karto using laser scans provided by the default sweep2scan.launch it causes an off-by-1 error in slam_karto. I found adding 0.0001 radians to [`angle_min`](https://github.com/scanse/sweep-ros/blob/master/launch/sweep2scan.launch#L20) resolves the issue. I'm...
# Work In Progress **Public API Changes** One - pretty stoked about that `` let viewer = new ROS3D.Viewer( { vr: true/false } ) `` **Description** Closes #460 This has...
A PR is underway to upgrade three.js #438 Some prior discussions can be found at the links below: - https://github.com/RobotWebTools/ros3djs/pull/381
This appears to only occur in InteractiveMarker https://github.com/RobotWebTools/ros3djs/blob/develop/src/interactivemarkers/InteractiveMarker.js#L19, however all THREE.Object3D instances already have extended `THREE.EventDispatcher` https://threejs.org/docs/#api/core/Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate
### Steps to reproduce the problem ## Repro Steps 1. Create an account on a server using the default webapp. 2. Follow some active accounts 3. Scroll the "Home" tab...
Support connecting to an rfpartyd daemon via an http/websocket.
detect rfparty daemons on the LAN via mDNS. Present the user with reasonable feedback when devices are found.