
Results 4 comments of Seven.Hsu

谢谢,问题解决了 Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 8, 2018, at 10:54, withstars wrote: > > 1.启动数据库服务,导入项目根目录下library.sql文件,数据库创建完成。 > 2.修改src/main/resources/book-context.xml文件里的数据源配置。 > > — > You are receiving this because you authored... Here are some simulated chinese license plate character images.It can be pasted on the CCPD images for License plate recognize.

@getsanjeev Yep!Just Replace 15th line code `temp = os.path.abspath(str(np.random.randint( 1, 1000000)) + 'ntl.txt').replace('\\', '/')` in this file "pylsd/pylsd/" to `temp='a'`. I just run this code on windows

line90 和 line101的两个with torch.no_grad()代码段看来确实没实际意义,后面更新meta时也没用到这两段的loss,单纯记录了下loss和correct数量。然后就是计算train acc 使用了这两个部分的correct 数量,让大家看看从随机参数的acc到迭代1、2 ... K轮后的acc变化,再到后面每个batch初始化上一个batch更新的meta参数初始化的acc变化。