> I found that sumy will distinguish **heading** and other sentences, so checked the source code and I found that: > Whether a line is **heading** is decided by **str.isupper()**...
> @seven-linglx Can you share your solution with us? Can you add here the code snippet? Of course, it's my honor to share with everyone, this is my rewrite function:...
I am agree with you that let PlaintextParser really plain text, but you can provide a optional API in PlaintextParser that appoint the HEADING of plain text, instead of detect...
cd mmdetection3d python projects/BEVFusion/ develop
> 那个pkl是按照2.0生成的吗? 没改动的话(又是data_preprocessor出问题)应该是数据有问题? 我的BEVFusion复现成功了,有问题可以联系。 pkl没有按照2.0的生成。请问具体怎么解决的?或者给个解决博客?
我重新适配一下版本号解决了。 之前出问题时安装的版本号 mmcv 2.0.0rc4 mmdet 3.0.0rc5 mmdet3d 1.3.0 mmengine 0.10.1 更新了mmdet与mmengine的版本 mmdet 3.0.0rc5 -> mmdet 3.0.0rc6 mmengine 0.10.1 -> mmengine 0.10.2