Ishmeet Singh Sethi
Ishmeet Singh Sethi
The above code is encapsulated in a VStack which also has a list above this HStack. Applying the ViewModifier on the Top Level View works perfectly. Why's that? Also, Is...
@ercillagorka I observed that when you apply this ViewModifier to the parent view, it works as expected. However, I think that it should be applied to specific text field and...
@V8tr Thanks for updating the article. It might also be worth mentioning that the View Modifier should be applied to the parent view vs. the Text Field or child view....
@workingDog How do I install your version of calendar in the app?
@arshadsk5 @BlueCorso Were you able to fix the issue? I'am also getting the login popup on logout.
@gastonborba here is my logout function and it works perfectly fine. Another thing I needed to do was make sure I add `PostLogoutRedirectURI` in our Identity Server DB. If we...
> Hey, Have anyone solved the logout problem? @nagasivaram-tadepalli I have shared my answer above which works properly.
@dozken does that mean we cannot use this method of Authentication? When using clerk, would you recommend using their sign in components directly on the Expo side? I guess I...
@dozken I see, I actually used the Tamagui starter and added the Clerk Auth on top from this repo. A better idea would be to use this repo as a...