Setare Khosravi
Setare Khosravi
Hi, thank you for your great work. I want to train ToMP on my own dataset, how can I prepare my data? thank you.
I'm using the BoT-SORT tracking model using the YOLOv8 detection model. For some videos, I see this warning: "WARNING: not enough matching points" and after that, I see this: ````...
Hi, I need confidence scores to evaluate tracking based on the detection metrics. I want to see if there is any improvement in detection or not. how can I calculate...
Hello, I'm interested in your work and I also should do the same job, and I need your help. Can you share your pre-trained model or your weights(.pth file)? I...
Very bad results, when running
Hi, how can I find the confidence score or how can I calculate it? Thank you.
Hi, Can you provide a Google Drive link for checkpoints? I cant download checkpoints from Baidu Drive.
Hello, Thank you for your great work. I wanted to train SMAT on my dataset, can I convert my dataset format into LASOT dataset format, and train SMAT on it?...
Hello Thank you for your great work, I want to train OSTrack on the LASOT dataset. When I want to train, by the command below: `python tracking/ --script ostrack --config...