@tami5 Homebrew package manager is easier and more practical than Appstore.
> tl;dr Why not do _**both**_ Homebrew and the Mac App Store? Because Apple is an enemy of open source software. The App Store is full of garbage. I've never...
>That would kind of be an answer if you were the maintainer of this, but you aren’t, so it just comes across as kind of bossy? @elsiehupp I'm just stating...
>Again, nothing you’ve said here contributes to the conversation in any meaningful way. I think it is very MEANINGFUL, I put my political attitude on behalf of open source software.
The problem can be overcome by making the background color darker. If it is impossible to fix, it should be added to the documentation as "known bugs".
this is not normal. Is it valid for macos and windows?
Voting was held and the blue one was chosen. You cannot change it without voting again.
@morellam-dev This is an issue about macOS dark and light mode. Icon with white background causes eye strain on macOS dark mode. Also the contrast is very low. Also there...
> If white icon causes strain and not conform to accessibility thresholds then there is no need to keep it on Linux and Windows. @hazarek Right? I personally use VSCodium...