Hi @JonathanDowning. We don't currently have plans to support Catalyst apps, but we'll leave this issue open in order to gauge interest.
Hi @singpolyma, this isn't something we have on our roadmap right now, but we can leave this issue open to gauge interest in something like this.
@danielebart Thanks for opening this issue. We'll take a closer look and post updates here.
Hi @carlosdelamora, thanks for reporting this! We'll take a look and post any updates here.
@RamblinWreck77 We don't have any updates at the moment. We're currently focused on a couple other things (namely, Swift Package Manager support and accessibility improvements). If this is something you're...
Hi @Blackjacx, thanks for opening this issue! I can't make any guarantees about adding Carthage support back in, but let's keep this issue open to gauge interest from Drop-in users....