create a script create time info ,and make a tag, use setTag show the time per sec . the tag must be fuxa device tag .
I used the newest docker fusa. I am rebuild the device tags,until the value not flashing. step1:sub a mqttclint json msg.(over 20 item, it is always happen) step2:make all item...
[]( in the dev_3 (devices settings). the fusa load err prj ,it happend again. the ok prj is ok! topic /t03/data { "DLType": "207", "DLsAddr": "6401", "HistoryFileType": "2", "MutateReportType": "0",...
I add the console.log("...") into index.js ,when i pub the topic info ,as the same time the server log flash . but the web is still flashing per sec and...
> hi Serite , about the flashing issue about mqtt problem , are there any fix ways? restart the docker ,it will ok .but if you modify same tags ,... or , you can test it any time. and sub a topic info on the mosquitto in this ip . i use mqtt.fx pub the topic only one...
this is the way to deal this problem by me too. restart fuxa server .the bug is gone until the tags be modifed or rebuilded and save the project (not...
this problem is same as #404