Nichole Hollingshead
Nichole Hollingshead
@albuumg this is likely due to an update to the library. My latest PR will solve this but in the meantime you can fix this issue by going to the...
@jeffgrann the plan is to add this to the new developer Hub when it is ready. See #19. @EisenbergEffect is working on that.
Is there a reason we can not set the individual pieces up as regular custom component modules like so? ux-dialog.ts ```typescript import { customElement } from 'aurelia-templating'; @customElement('ux-dialog') export class...
Agreed. mentions this as well and I believe this is still going to happen. @EisenbergEffect probably has more information on that though.
With the current structure being moved to a monorepo, we could probably merge `app-ux-showcase` into this to be perfectly honest. However the testing becomes slightly more complicated. Each component should...
Does this cover the case where a grid can have a different number of columns? Such as: ``` ```
Indeed. That is one thing that sets it apart from many grids, you can change the number of columns.
So I am not sure how to handle Icons right now. Especially given that the `ux-icon` package is so heavy at the moment. The way I would suggest handling those...
I pulled this down and took a look at it. I think it works pretty great as it is. I think it is too rigid as it is. I think...