Serhat Topcu
Serhat Topcu
Hello, For those having same issues, I will try to answer as far as I know. You can't reach all resolutions because you are getting data by using cryptocompare websocket,...
Hello, You can't reach all resolutions because you are getting data by using cryptocompare websocket, you can see this in streaming.js where the line "wss://", you need to pay for...
```` tvWidget.onChartReady(() => { let crosshairValue; const crosshairMovedHandler = (params) => { crosshairValue = params; }; tvWidget.activeChart().crossHairMoved().subscribe(null, crosshairMovedHandler); tvWidget.subscribe('mouse_down', () => { const mouseUpHandler = () => { console.log(crosshairValue); tvWidget.unsubscribe('mouse_up',...
Hello, I will try to answer as far as I know. You can't reach all resolutions because you are getting data by using cryptocompare websocket, you can see this in...