Hi! A have an issue with displaying pandas DataFrame in sparkmagic. They are always displayed as text. Any ideas? sparkmagic 0.12.6 livy 0.5
Hello, is it possible: 1. To control captions widths? Text size can vary.. Now large captions are cutted. Caption tooltips can be also helpful. 2. To enable tab items horizontal...
Hi folks, thanks a lot for this great tool! When use it in drf project got RecursionError after some time. More deeper analysis showed that some functions get called recursively...
.. or zero copy appear only between `arrow->pandas` but not here `mongodb->arrow`? In other words are arrow data types used in mongodb?
As I see here: dbt config parser implemented in data-diff does not cover configuration options of modern duckdb dbt adapter. E.g. extensions and any s3 related settings are useful:...
Hi! First of all thanks a lot for this great tool! My question is: I need (in Python) CommonTokenStream(lexer) class instance to get access to hidden tokens like comments with...
### Question Hi! What is a right way to create an iceberg table from existsing parquet files with slightly different schemas? So merge of their schemas is possible. I would...