
Results 44 comments of Yeyo

Very nice! Looking forward to this addition.

Developer experience should be similar to Twitter Bootstrap's package. You add the meteor package and you have everything working with no extra steps needed.

@davishmcclurg Can you paste in the relevant content in your `phoenix-static-buildpack.config` file? I'm using an umbrella app and I guess that's why it's not working properly.

To fix: I set my relative Phoenix path and voila. :slightly_smiling_face: `phoenix_relative_path=/apps/my_app_web/`

@germs12 Where did you place that file and what did you name it? Thanks!

@kashifnaseer Any ideas?

@jonzlin95 Do you mean I need to bring in Floki manually in my dependency list?

@jonzlin95 Thanks for the help! In my `mix.lock` file I have this: ``` "floki": {:hex, :floki, "0.14.0", "91a6be57349e10a63cf52d7890479a19012cef9185fa93c305d4fe42e6a50dee", [:mix], [{:mochiweb, "~> 2.15", [hex: :mochiweb, optional: false]}]}, ``` I'm still getting...