Looks promising, @SixiS what do you think?
Hi @jarvelov it would be also useful to add an example how to render `select` component with options from `enum`. I am struggling to understand how to write uiSchema for...
You can do `--include-path=/usr/local/bin/bundle`, but then you will have a bunch of other problems with alpine. I gave up on ``` docker-slim build --include-shell --include-path=/usr/local/bin/bundle --include-path=/usr/local/lib/ruby --include-path=/usr/lib api_api:latest ``` It...
Yes, I am trying to docker-slim `FROM ruby:2.6-alpine3.11` image and have the same problem
Here it is: ``` FROM ruby:2.6-alpine3.11 ENV LANG C.UTF-8 ENV MAXMIND_DB_LOCATION /tmp/GeoLite2-City.mmdb RUN mkdir -p /var/log/unicorn RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/api WORKDIR /usr/src/api RUN apk add --update --upgrade gcc less postgresql-dev...
Thank you @kcq !
I've turned Boxroom into an engine.
By the way, which password you used to generate accounts? I am new to Ethereum and trying to deploy smart contract from one of predefined addresses and I think I...
It seems empty string is used as password :)