
Results 35 comments of sergdort

It is [`UITableViewDelegate`]( api

The difference it that you need to have unique ID, right?

Hi, @seivan I see your point. But my concern is that not everybody needs `Hashable` for each type. And there are several ways how to implement `hashValue` If you think...

I mean the popular way to generate `hashValue` is for example ``` swift struct Person: Hashable { var name: String var age: Int var hashValue: Int { return name.hashValue ^...

Hey @dchohfi sorry noticed this PR just now :( In the latest release I've added Single store example inspired by Pointfree videos.

Hey, it may be a mistake or a typo on my side the reducer now is a struct, I took this idea from [Pointfree composable architecture](

Do I need to publish new version 🤔

Also guys I'm a lacking free time lately. So if someone would like to be a maintainer I would love to create an org and move project there

> It seems to me that only way would be to expose loop lambda, but if we do that, then it's still possible to mess up. I'm a little bit...