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Small cross platform Vulkan/OpenGL 3d engine for personal experimentation

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Small cross platform Vulkan/OpenGL 3d engine for personal experimentation.

Links to used free 3d models: Bistro, People, Living Room, Wolf


  • Frame graph with semi-automatic barrier placement (inspired by https://www.slideshare.net/DICEStudio/framegraph-extensible-rendering-architecture-in-frostbite)
  • Dynamic BVH as main scene structure (http://box2d.org/files/GDC2019/ErinCatto_DynamicBVH_GDC2019.pdf)
  • Clustered forward renderer (inspired by http://www.humus.name/Articles/PracticalClusteredShading.pdf)
  • Shadow map atlas with caching
  • Screen space reflections and reflections from probes
  • Occlusion culling based on software rasterization (implementation of https://software.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documents/masked-software-occlusion-culling.pdf)
  • Pathtracer for global illumination baking and preview
  • DXT and ASTC texture formats, compact binary mesh format
  • Skinning using compute shader
  • Works on Windows (GL, VK), Linux (GL, VK), MacOS (VK through MoltenVK), Android (GL)