Hey @domderen , It's an interesting feature. I've not put much work into this but will revisit it over the summer when I find more time. It will keep the...
Hey @maxdemajo I realise it's been a while since you opened this, but do you have any example I could test on?
Hi @DLewis01 , Can you please give a full example, include input?
Interesting. What browser/OS are you using? Happy to look into any improvements to the accuracy or consider any ideas to catch this case.
Can confirm the issue.
@SR4ven I'll give that a try and get back to you. It's not on the same test case as far as I can tell.
I think it was indeed a problem with the service and not the library.
@jtpereyda I was getting this while fuzzing the reference DIAL server from this repo: Both the server and boofuzz running on my macbook pro mojave 10.14.3 The code I...
Did anyone figure out how to write a test cases with it though?
Thanks for getting back to me and for the suggestion. I'm still having some issues with `supertest` unfortunately, even with this minimalist example: **foo.js** ```javascript import resource from 'resource-router-middleware' export...