I've tried all php artisan optimize:clear and composer dump-autoload
I follow your instruction and add in config.php 'providers' Pawlox\VideoThumbnail\VideoThumbnailServiceProvider::class, and alias 'VideoThumbnail' => Pawlox\VideoThumbnail\Facade\VideoThumbnail::class, that 's it all I saw in your instruction.
Need I have to create controller? php artisan make:controller VideoThumbnail ? but I saw the same problem in many forum and they run php artisan cache:clear then it work. but...
for example
Composer install: composer require pawlox/video-thumbnail After package installation, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php Pawlox\VideoThumbnail\VideoThumbnailServiceProvider::class And to the aliases array 'VideoThumbnail' => Pawlox\VideoThumbnail\Facade\VideoThumbnail::class Also you can publish...
then I call this in the place I should call in other controller VideoThumbnail::createThumbnail( public_path('files/movie.mp4'), public_path('files/thumbs/'), 'movie.jpg', 2, 1920, 1080 );