Rob Munro
Rob Munro
hi, yes sorry it is actually declared i missed it before. In the header file generated i can see that interface (GatewayApiLong) is actually generated twice - just have to...
Each schema is in it's own kmp module. The other module is very simple - it compiles fine and I can use it in the ios app. This gateway_api module...
in the generated GatewayApi.h the conflicting interfaces are: ``` __attribute__((swift_name("KotlinLong"))) @interface GatewayApiLong : GatewayApiNumber - (instancetype)initWithLongLong:(long long)value; + (instancetype)numberWithLongLong:(long long)value; @end; ``` and ``` __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) __attribute__((swift_name("Long"))) @interface GatewayApiLong : GatewayApiBase...
It a corporate schema. So company wide. Probably you might need to change the namespaciing a bit? It's not urgent tho. Possibly the numerical interfaces could be `Klong` etc? Just...
Eg ``` __attribute__((swift_name("KotlinLong"))) @interface GatewayApiKotlinLong : GatewayApiNumber ```
yes looks like that should work. I'm not sure how common it is for users to declare a scalar type with a name the same as a kotlin type (Integer,...
on nice ... i'll give it a whirl
So i am trying this out. I have got the `3.4.1-SNAPSHOT` in the project - i can see it loaded I have `extra.graphqls`: ``` # In a new file named...
it still the same error - so looks like it not getting picked up for some reason `./gradlew clean gateway_api:iosX64MainBinaries` ``` e: Compilation failed: Linking globals named 'OBJC_CLASS_$_GatewayApiLong': symbol multiply...
sorry i missed you message - i couldn't get this to work for our use case, i cleaned and rebuilt, etc - but luckily for us the offending Long scalar...