Kanagalingam Senthalan
Kanagalingam Senthalan
Hi @mbgazi , WSO2 Identity server 5.7.0 does not support java version more than 8. The latest released WSO2 Identity server 5.9.0 will support JDK11 (which is the latest java...
Closing as the PR is in the open state for a while. Please feel free to reopen and merge if needed.
We have faced issue when exporting the java.servlet export version. The current equinox.http.servlet v1.1.400.v20130418-1354 did not support the 3.2.0 java.servlet. To update the equinox.http.servlet to latest we found that equinox.http.helper...
We have carbon.properties file where the users can specify the custom environment properties without touching the script
we have a concern in this approach because in the config-mapping we can have $sys() do load the system properties. So we can't move the config-mapper invocation before loading the...
When changing changing the servlet registeration url from `httpService.registerServlet("/", new org.apache.tiles.web.startup.TilesServlet(), initparams, commonContext);` to `httpService.registerServlet("", new org.apache.tiles.web.startup.TilesServlet(), initparams, commonContext);` This WARN got fixed but got the following ERROR from the...
Still, we have errors when starting the server parallel. refer : https://github.com/wso2/product-is/issues/5936